On July 1 in 1863, the Kingdom of the Netherlands formally abolished slavery in Surinam and the former Dutch Antilles and Aruba. But, abolition did not automatically mean freedom for the enslaved. A considerable part of the former enslaved had to work for free and still enslaved for ten years more. So factually slavery was abolished ten years later: 1873.

Every year on July the 1th, the Commemoration of Dutch Slavery Past, Keti Koti, takes place in the Oosterpark in Amsterdam. Surrounding the statue. The libation during the National Slavery Past Remembrance is performed by the inspiring Winti priestess, Mrs Marian Markelo. The libation is an opening ritual in which she commemorates the ancestors, the suffering in the labor and penal camps that we now call plantations. And gives thanks for the gifts of the earth.”
The fact that a Winti ritual is performed is special. Winti was banned in Suriname until 1972. That prohibition dates back to slavery. Marian Markelo: “At first it was tolerated, but the slave criminals-slave owners were afraid of winti.”
Words and water are important elements in the ceremony, which provide a connection between the past, present and future.
Due to corona we can not go to the Commemoration in the Oosterpark in Amsterdam, but we can watch it on tv and do visit the sacred Statue on another day to commemorate, honor and give thanks to our ancestors.
Adress Nationaal Slavernijmonument: Oosterpark 9, 1091 HA Amsterdam